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Wednesday 08 June 2016, 19:15 - 19:25
Hits : 635

A Special General Meeting is being held at 7.15 on Wednesday 8 June in the clubrooms prior to a Plate Pairs competititon.  This is for a minor adjustment on the wording of Clause 22 of the Constitution.  Under our Constitution we appoint an 'Auditor' to review our books for the benefit of our members.  The Registrar of the Incorporated Societies have advised us that using 'Auditor' means we have to use a person who complies with the NZ Chartered Accountants Auditing Standards.  This will cost the club a large amount of money.  Under the Incorporated Societies Rules a club does not need to have their books audited or reviewed but the committee have always felt they should be 'checked' for the benefit of the members.  Accordingy, the committee voted to change the word 'Auditor' to 'Reviewer' and can then appoint someone they deem capable of checking the club's books.  This will just take 5 minutes to pass at the meeting.  If you wish to put in an apology please sign the sheet at the clubrooms or email your apology.