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Monday Afternoon Programme

Convener: Penny Fisher 

Table Fees: $9.00

Partner Finder:  Sue Solomons  - WhatsAPP is available - please contact Sue

The following Competitions will be played:-


Twelve Rounds, nine to qualify for trophies. All rounds played with the same partner, who must be a different person from the Rata Pairs partner. If more than nine rounds are played all such rounds will be counted. There are Senior and Junior competitions.  Progressive results will be posted after each round.  After three rounds the top eight pairs will be seeded.


Ten Rounds, eigth to qualify for trophies, all rounds played with the same partner, who must be a different person from the Rimu Pairs partner.  If more than eight rounds are played all such rounds will be counted. As with Rimu there are Senior and Junior Competitions. 

In both the Rimu and Rata Pairs competitions

  • Trophies are awared to the Senior and Junior winners.
  • If a pair consists of a Senior and a Junior it will be regarded as a Senior pair
  • The committee may approve a permanent substitute for anyone unable to continue in the competition owing to long term illness, moved away, resigned or has passed away.

NOTE: The Rimu Pairs and Rata Pairs competitions are regarded as having equal satus.


Five rounds, four to qualify for trophies.  Each round to be played with a different partner. If more than four rounds are played all will count except when more than one has been played with the same partner and then only the first such round will count.  If a pair consists of a Senior and Junior player, the pair will be regarded as a Senior pair, consequently the score will not count towards the Junior partner's qualification. 


Senior & Novice/Junior Mixed Partnerships

Four rounds, three to qualify for trophies. Each round can be played with the same or a different senior & novice/junior partner who must not be their Rimu or Rata Pairs partner. If more than three qualifying rounds are played all will be counted. 

The competition is intended for novice/juniors to benefit from the experience of playing with seniors and only senior and novice/junior partnerships are eligble. This is a handicapped competition. 

For those members who do not wish to participate in the competition for trophies there will be a separate section played with the same boards.


To qualify, a player must qualify in each of these competitions:- Rimu Pairs, Rata Pairs and Individual. To determine the Overall Individual winner, the sum of all the scores in the three competitions is divided by the total number of sessions played. If more or fewer than 26 boards are played in any one competition then the session scores will be weighted. A Junior, playing with a Senior in any of the competitions will be regarded as a Senior in the Overall Individual Competition.


These matches are played on three consecutive club days. To qualify, a player must play all days of a match with the same partner, who must not be their Rimu or Rata Pairs partner. However, one substitute is allowed for each three day match.  Double substitution is not permitted (ie a player who is already playing or who has played as a substitute in the competition cannot be a substitute for another pair).  Substitute partners must be declared before play starts each day.  


These are non-competition days when there are no partnership requirements and members may play with whomever they wish. Open days which fall on Public Holidays are subject to sufficient numbers of players signifying an intention to play.


Refer to Teams, Tournaments, Graded, Menu

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Wednesday 12 March.




6 New Year 3 Day H/Cap Pairs 7 Winter 3 Day H/Cap Pairs
13 New Year 3 Day H/Cap Pairs 14 Winter 3 Day H/Cap Pairs
20 New Year 3 Day H/Cap Pairs 21 Presidents H/Cap 4
27 Individual 1 28 Rata Pairs 7



3 Rimu Pairs 1 4

Rata Pairs 8

10 Rimu Pairs 2 11 Rata Pairs 9
17 Rimu Pairs 3 18 Rata Pairs 10
24 Presidents H/Cap 1 25 Individual 3 **



3 Autumn 3 Day Pairs 1 Spring 3 Day Pairs

Autumn 3 Day Pairs

8 Spring 3 Day Pairs
17 Autumn 3 Day Pairs 15 Spring 3 Day Pairs

Rimu Pairs 4

22 Individual 4
31 Rimu Pairs 5 29  Rimu Pairs 7



7 Rimu Pairs 6 6 Rimu Pairs 8
14 Presidents  H/Cap 2 13 Rimu Pairs 9
21 Easter Open Pairs 20 Individual 5
28 Rata Pairs 1 27 Labour Day Open Pairs



5 Rata Pairs 2 3 Rimu Pairs 10
12 Rata Pairs 3 10 Rimu Pairs 11
19 Presidents H/Cap 3 17 Rimu Pairs 12
26 Individual 2 24 Summer 3 Day Pairs



2 King's Birthday - Open Pairs 1 Summer 3 Day Pairs
9 Rata Pairs 4 8 Summer 3 Day Pairs
16 Rata Pairs 5 15  Christmas Party Pairs ***
23 Rata Pairs 6    
30 Winter 3 Day H/Cap Pairs    

**Discussion about 2026 programme

*** Pot luck lunch